Best Tricep Exercises for Long Head

In this post, we'll examine the top tricep workouts that are specially made to work the long head and give you noticeable improvements. So let's get started!


arnab chowdhury

5/10/20235 min read

Best Tricep Exercises for Long Head

Targeting the long head of the triceps is essential for developing strong, well-defined triceps. The upper arm is made wider and thicker thanks to the triceps' long head, which also makes it appear more attractive. In this post, we'll examine the top tricep workouts that are especially made to work the long head and give you noticeable improvements. So let's get started!

1. Introduction

Not only can having well-developed triceps improve the look of your arms overall, but it also significantly increases the performance and strength of your upper body. While there are many tricep exercises available, the key to maximising results is to concentrate on movements that isolate and efficiently engage the long head.

2. Understanding the Long Head of the Triceps

It's crucial to comprehend the triceps' anatomy before starting the workouts. The long head, lateral head, and medial head are the three heads that make up the triceps brachii muscle. The longest of the three heads, the long head originates from the scapula and travels along the back of the upper arm. To grow the triceps properly, the long head must be the focus.

3. Importance of Targeting the Long Head

Targeting the triceps' long head plays a big part in total arm strength and stability as well as the aesthetic attractiveness of well-defined arms. You may lift greater weights and advance in your training by improving your performance in pushing exercises like bench presses, overhead presses, and dips by strengthening your long head.

4. Tricep Anatomy and Function

Effective training requires an understanding of the triceps' structure and function. The triceps' main job is to extend the elbow, but it also helps to stabilise the shoulder. The long head is essential for activities that require extending the arms aloft or behind the body since it is in charge of shoulder extension.

5. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Prior to getting into the finest tricep exercises for the long head, it's critical to discuss some frequent training blunders to avoid. These errors may prevent you from moving forward and perhaps endanger your health. Here are some essential ideas to bear in mind:

• When exercising, refrain from swinging or utilising excessive momentum.

• Throughout each rep, keep your form and technique correct.

• Be careful to use all of your muscles since doing so will ensure the most muscular activation.

• Increase the weight and intensity gradually to prevent overworking the muscles.

6. Top 5 Best Tricep Exercises for Long Head

Let's now examine the top five tricep exercises that concentrate on the long head:

Exercise 1: Close-Grip Bench Press

The close-grip bench press is a great compound exercise that primarily targets the long head of the triceps. Follow these instructions to complete this exercise:

1. Grip the barbell with a shoulder-width grip while lying flat on a bench.

2. Keep your elbows tucked in tight to your torso as you lower the barbell to your chest.

3. With your arms fully extended, raise the barbell back to the starting position.

Exercise 2: Overhead Tricep Extension

A solo exercise that successfully addresses the long head is the overhead tricep extension. How to do this activity is as follows:

1. Hold a dumbbell or a barbell overhead while standing or sitting with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. While maintaining your upper arms near your ears, lower the weight behind your head.

3. Fully extend your arms and bring the weight back up to your shoulders.

Exercise 3: Dips

Dips are a complex exercise that mostly works the triceps while also working the long head. To execute dips, adhere to following steps:

1. Stand with your weight supported by your arms on a dip station or parallel bars.

Bending your elbows will help you lower your torso until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

3. Extend your arms fully and push yourself back up to the starting position.

Exercise 4: Skull Crushers

The triceps are isolated by skull crushers, often referred to as lying tricep extensions, with a focus on the long head. How to conduct skull crushers is as follows:

1. With your arms stretched over your shoulders and a barbell or dumbbell in your hands, lie on a flat bench.

2. Bring the weight towards your forehead by bending your elbows.

3. While completely tightening your triceps, extend your arms back up to the beginning position.

Exercise 5: Cable Pushdowns

An isolation exercise that successfully targets the long head of the triceps is the cable pushdown. How to do this activity is as follows:

1. Face a cable machine with a chest-height straight bar attachment.

2. Extend your arms fully and grasp the bar with an overhand grip to lower it.

3. Tighten your triceps to return to the beginning posture.

12. Tips for Effective Tricep Training

Consider the following advice to maximize your tricep gains:

• Prioritise complex workouts that work for numerous muscle groups.

• Use a combination of high- and low-rep levels for the best possible muscle activation.

• Give yourself enough time to recuperate and rest between tricep exercises.

• Gradually raise the resistance or weight over time to consistently put your muscles through their paces.

13. Sample Tricep Workout Routine

Here's a sample tricep workout routine that combines the exercises mentioned above:

  1. Close-Grip Bench Press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

  2. Overhead Tricep Extension: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

  3. Dips: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

  4. Skull Crushers: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

  5. Cable Pushdowns: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Remember to adjust the weights and repetitions based on your fitness level and goals.

14. Diet and Nutrition for Tricep Development

A proper diet is just as vital for tricep growth as exercise. Make sure you get enough protein in your diet to assist muscle growth and repair. Include lean protein sources in your diet, such as chicken, fish, tofu, or beans. Maintain a balanced diet that includes a range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats to promote the growth of all your muscles.

15. conclusion

You may make significant improvements in both strength and appearance by using the finest tricep exercises for the long head in your training regimen. You may build rounded, defined arms by concentrating on the triceps' lengthy head. Always pay attention to the appropriate technique, add weight and intensity gradually, and give yourself enough time to relax and recuperate. To maximize the growth of your triceps and your general fitness, combine these workouts with a healthy diet.


  1. Can I solely focus on the long head of the triceps for tricep development? While targeting the long head is crucial, it's important to train all three heads of the triceps for balanced development.

  2. How often should I train my triceps? It's recommended to allow 48 hours of rest between tricep workouts to ensure proper recovery and muscle growth.

  3. Should I use free weights or machines for tricep exercises? Both free weights and machines can be effective for tricep training. It's beneficial to include a mix of both in your workout routine.

  4. Can I perform tricep exercises at home without equipment? Yes, several tricep exercises can be done using bodyweight, such as dips, push-ups, and tricep dips on a chair or ledge.

  5. How long does it take to see results in tricep development? Results vary depending on various factors like genetics, consistency, and nutrition. With consistent training and a balanced diet, noticeable improvements can be seen in a few weeks to a couple of months.

tricep muscles
tricep muscles